How to create unique tallies with 1 table

I let my users upload photos to showcase their business:

I want to put a limit on how many photos my free users can upload.

I wanted to create a condition that if this user is a free profile and they’ve upload < 9 photos that the “+” photo button goes away.

Each time a photo is uploaded, I identify the profile it goes to based on the email address, so how do i get a count on how many photos each email address has uploaded?

Unless that is an overly complicated way to do it, in which case please let me know!

May be i don’t understand clearly, but you just need to create relation from member email in the images table to the member email in the images table (mean multiple relation on it self) and do Rollup count thru this m. rel.
And create Single relation from user row from user email to member email in the image table and create lookup thru this email to the count column described above. This will give current user images count.


ah perfection, got it! Thanks!

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I did something similar - adding the count to the user table and then using this number to hide fields (eg your image picker field) once the user# > ref number. For added slickness you could make a new field appear saying sorry you are past your free limit’