How to create an array out of a filtered list?

I am building feature where i need to send job notifications to all influencers that matches my filter.

thanks to @Robert_Petitto for making youtube tutorial for multi filter

So far, im only able to identify which influencer is selected. But i don’t know how to group those selected influencers into an array and add it to my job request table.

Every time a new row on the job request table is added → i will send notifications to those selected influencers.

Can anyone help with the relation between influencer list table and job request table ?

You didn’t share any details of your Job Request table.

But, just looking at what you did share, you could create a template column that contains the word true, and then use that in a multiple relation, matching your Selected Influencer column. Then - assuming that you have their email addresses in that same table - use a joined list through that relation to get a list of emails for all those selected.

This is my Job Request table and yes i do have their email addresses inside influencer list table

I don’t understand the part :

“then use that in a multiple relation, matching your Selected Influencer column.”

Can you break down the steps if you don’t mind ?

It’s just a single relation type column. You match the template (true) column to the if-then-else column shown in your first screen shot. Ensure you select the match multiple box. It will match all true values, ie. All those that are selected.

Thank you it worked.

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