How to call multiple sheets with the same script? (Apps Script)


I have an app where you can book a ticket for an event. The app has about 20-30 events per year. For each event you can register and then receive an SMS confirmation. Each event has its own sheet. With App Script a function is created per sheet. A trigger that checks if there is a new entry triggers the following script and sends an SMS via Twilio:


 function Test_SMS() {

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Sheet-1");  
  var values = ss.getRange("A2:K").getValues();

  for (var i in values) {
     var row=i;
     var r = +row + 2;
     if (values[i][0] != '' && values[i][1] == '' ) {
       var number = '+43'+values[i][0];
       var vorname = values[i][2];
       var ticket = values[i][6];
       var datum = values[i][10];
       function sendSms(to, body) {
  var messages_url = '' + TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID + '/Messages.json';

  var payload = {
      "To": to,
    "Body" : 'Bestätigung: \nHallo ' + vorname + ', du hast dich angemeldet für am ' + datum + '.\n\nDeine Ticketart ist: ' + ticket + '. ',
    "From" : 'XXXX'

  var options = {
    "method" : "post",
    "payload" : payload

  options.headers = {
    "Authorization" : "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID + ":" + TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN)


  UrlFetchApp.fetch(messages_url, options);
       try {
      response_data = sendSms(number, vorname, ticket, datum);
      status = "sent";
    } catch(err) {
      status = "error";
    ss.getRange(r, 2).setValue(status);


The problem is that for each event I have to adjust the function again and that generates a lot of code. Now I wanted to ask if it is possible to change this function so that I can call several sheets at once, so that I don’t have to customize the script individually per sheet?

I have already started an attempt here, but it only sends an SMS in Sheet-1 and also reports the following error:

TypeError: Cannot call method “getRange” from null.


var sheetnames = ['Sheet-1', 'Sheet-2'];
sheetnames.forEach(function (name) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name);
  var range = sheet.getRange('A2:K');
  var values = range.getValues();
  Test_SMS(sheet, values);


 function Test_SMS(sheet, values) {

  for (var i in values) {
     var row=i;
     var r = +row + 2;
     if (values[i][0] != '' && values[i][1] == '' ) {
       var number = '+43'+values[i][0];
       var vorname = values[i][2];
       var ticket = values[i][6];
       var datum = values[i][10];
       function sendSms(to, body) {
  var messages_url = '' + TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID + '/Messages.json';

  var payload = {
    "To": to,
    "Body" : 'Bestätigung: \nHallo ' + vorname + ', du hast dich angemeldet für am ' + datum + '.\n\nDeine Ticketart ist: ' + ticket + '. ',
    "From" : 'XXXX'

  var options = {
    "method" : "post",
    "payload" : payload

  options.headers = {
    "Authorization" : "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID + ":" + TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN)


  UrlFetchApp.fetch(messages_url, options);
       try {
      response_data = sendSms(number, vorname, ticket, datum);
      status = "sent";
    } catch(err) {
      status = "error";
    sheet.getRange(r, 2).setValue(status);

I am very grateful for any help.
Many thanks

(Excuse me for my bad english)

  1. Why do you create a new sheet per event?
  2. Your function have variables declared before function starts, so if you trigger it, it will not set it.
  3. To check if there are changes, simply set trigger onChange.
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Hey Uzo

  1. I create one sheet per event so i don’t get a huge sheet. Also, to have the whole Google spreadsheet cleaned up to remove past events. Plus the client wants one sheet per event so they can export this from the spreadsheet without deleting other content.

  2. Okey, can you tell me which ones and how I need to modify this?

  3. Would also work, that’s true. But shouldn’t affect calling multiple sheets. Right?

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

  1. the data structure… 1 sheet per event is wrong… and it will only bring you more problems in the future.

  2. I can write a good code for you or guide you over Zoom…

  3. no, you can if else the script to find the right event.

(what is the real reason for creating a new sheet? are you trying to PDF it? then you can just create a separate sheet for new events to be PDF… or maybe you can’t modify the script for text messages? that’s why you are going around and creating new sheets? )

  1. Okey, isn’t it possible to just call multiple sheets and run the same script? That would actually be sufficient for what I need it for. If it is somehow possible, it would be ideal to have one sheet per bookable event.

Currently calling a single sheet:

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Sheet-1");  
var values = ss.getRange("A2:K").getValues();

Try to list multiple sheets:

var sheetnames = ['Sheet-1', 'Sheet-2'];
sheetnames.forEach(function (name) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name);
  var range = sheet.getRange('A2:K');
  var values = range.getValues();
  Test_SMS(sheet, values);
  1. Would be if, point 1 is realistic, a great idea.

  2. Okey, I didn’t know that.

PDF are exported by the customer as soon as no more can be booked. And for him to have this easy, he just needs to export the single sheet.

The SMS notification script should not matter for the desired goal of the script. Rather, point 1 with the call of the script is more important.

I want to avoid having a huge sheet. Or do I currently not see the possibilities of the app script?

yes, you can address any sheet you want, and take data from it…
i see that the problem is to create a PDF after… you can do that, without creating new sheets per event

The way you have it, it should work. Are you sure the error is being generated by that part of the code?
From your original post, I see that you have another getRange() call later in the script…

ss.getRange(r, 2).setValue(status);

Are you sure it’s not that line that triggers the error when it gets to the second sheet?
If you execute the code from the console, it’ll tell you which line number is triggering the error.

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error for sure is created by calling the function that has variables declared before… this script was designed for a button… not a trigger… and most likely for a web app

Hello Darren_Murphy

This is my error message:

And this my line at which the error is displayed (7 & 10):

The sheet.getRange(r, 2).setValue(status); only adds a text confirmation of sending the SMS to the sheet.

is null, because is declared before the function

var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name);

what is the name here?

Is 2-SMS-Vorlage an exact match for the name of the sheet, including case and whitespace?

Just as an aside, I would move this line…

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

…outside the forEach() loop. ie. move it up to line 6. It should still work the way you have it, but creating a new ss object on every iteration of the loop is wasteful.


Hey Uzo

That was my basis:

var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name); refers to row 7 this calls the array above.

where is that variable “name” declared?
i might be drunk…but i don’t see it… maybe @Darren_Murphy will find it… he is good

I can’t believe it. :see_no_evil: The sheet name is identical. However, I have now copied the name again from the sheet and pasted it into the script. And suddenly it works. Something was probably still behind it.

Okey, I will do that. :+1:

My script is certainly not perfectly constructed, but it works.
Thank you very much!

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k, now I see it… is in the function feed… so you need to put there an array to get what you want… right now, you have the feed manually written to the function arguments…

but still… this is a wrong approach to your concept… don’t create new sheets… is pointles

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Yes, most likely you had a trailing white space somewhere.

By the way, I don’t disagree with most of Uzo’s comments. If this was my app, I’d probably use a single sheet, give the client an export function from the app, and get rid of the Apps Script altogether.

The problem with having multiple identical sheets is that - assuming they are connected to the app - you’re creating a lot of un-necessary work for yourself. You’ll be forever reconfiguring screens and components every time you switch sheets. I’m way too lazy to bother with that :wink:


@Darren_Murphy I knew you would dig to the bottom of it… You rock!

small TM button

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