Hi. I have made some comic strips in canva and want to add a link to this comic in my glide app. I have tried pasting the “embed” link from my canva into a data column with type = link, but this does not work. Is there a way to directly embed/access canva slides from my glide app?
The type of column really doesn’t matter, as long as it’s text and contains your link. Are you trying to just show a link, or actually embed the website into your app? You can can add components, such as a link component to the screen to open the link, or you can add something like a button, with an action to open a link or open a webview. You can also add a WebView component to embed the remote site into your app (as long as the remote site allows it). The webview component is only available for pro plans.
Canva sites are not embeddedable
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