I have copy to clipboard feature in my web embed. But since it’s a iframe which renders the component, I need some way to add attribute to iframe which allows to access to Browser API like Clipboard
January 11, 2024, 5:32am
You can use GAS as a middleman… I don’t think this is possible from Glide.
I did a similar case for setting local storage…
So… My new project is to set up cookies or local storage from the Glide App…
I wonder if anybody has come up with a better solution…?
I used W3 as my interface for a Google Web App… and it works… please try it…
Please set up your browser storage and read it on the next refresh… you can see that it stays when you inspect the page… and the Glide component can read it…
[Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 6.56.22 AM]
I tested it on many devices and browsers… and it works…
here is the link to my Glide a…