How "Count IF"?

Hi, I barely dare asking this since the answer may be very basic, but I’m hitting my head on this one.

  • Different assessors give a grade per project (yes, medium, no)
  • I want to identify if a project has at least 1 “Yes” (ex. below, projects A - even if it has some "No - and C)

Title | Grade

A | No
B | No
A | No

Thanks in advance

create 3 columns with rows filled by Single Value yes… medium … no
create 3 IF/ELSE column to check if grade column is one of these columns…
than 3 roll up columns to to sum these IF/ELSE columns…
you will know not only if at least 1 yes 1 medium 1 no is there… you will know exactly how many

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If you only need to only know if it has a Yes or not, convert this to boolean (True/False) then use a rollup to count “Some True”.

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Thanks to you both @ThinhDinh @Uzo.


For this I would normally create a template joining Title and YES together. Then create a self relation linking that template back to itself. If the relation is not empty, then the project has at least one YES.


Thanks @Jeff_Hager, I just need this basic info (the good ones above going beyond my basic need). Perfect!