How can I suppress the email field in profile?

I’m loving the new action to edit a user’s profile. But I notice the email address sits under the profile image and often it’s not the nicest random word choice. Is there a way to hide it or replace it with another dummy option? I don’t really see the value in showing it to users… (this app is a Basic app).

Or link to app:

Thanks in advance…

Please try this CSS.

div[id*='screenScrollView'] > div > :nth-of-type(1)  :nth-child(2) :nth-child(2) {
display: none;

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Thank you…

As a CSS virgin, do I insert that into a rich text component somewhere on the page?

Ah cool… worked like a charm… Thank you!

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User’s will see their own real email address when they are signed into the published version of the app. User’s should never see their anonymous email unless you explicitly add a component to show it.

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