How can I specify a Users table?

I deleted my users table. Is there a way to specify a new User Table for my Glide App (pages) or at least restore the Users table that I deleted?

I wanted to proactively duplicate my classic App as a new (pages) App. It was all going well as I imported all the old Glide Tables into the new App. Since I had imported the old Users table (called Users FC) I thought it would be fine to delete the Users table that was created with the new App.

However, when trying to re-create all the calculation columns I have found that I cannot create a template column that points to a Users Table. I want to select the email address of the current user. The sub-menu for Users column does not appear.

How can I tell Glide to start using the imported Users FC table as the users table?

Thanks in advance,

Go to the User Profile tab, and change the source sheet.

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THANK YOU! that worked.

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