How can I publish my GlideApp on PlayStore & App Store?

Hi everyone!

I was trying to use the service of Nativator, but their service is bad:

  • They do not reply to any message or email I am sending them.
  • The Android App Bundle (.aab) file currently targets API level 30 and must target at least API level 31 (new limitations of PlayStore).
  • They did not send me anything and did not help me to upload to AppStore (I paid for that)

Could you please suggest me a good service to convert my PWA (using Glide) to an app to put on Play Store & App Store?
Is Kodular the only option? It is creating some troubles when it comes to the AAB file uploading (“Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key”)

Thanks in advance!
Liran on behalf of Clik

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Eventually, after a couple of weeks, I got the support.
Now I face another issue, but I’ll write about that in another post :slight_smile: