How can I add/change "component"

Hi, thank you for your useful support always.

Sorry to ask this basic question, but I just can’t find “component” section with which I can add button or chat features to my app.

I looked through all the videos/libraries I can think of, but seems like it’s all looks different from mine;)
I thought it’s because Glide is making progress every minutes and improving UI, but just can’t find the way to add/change component;)


Your “Ask Anyone” tab is a chat tab. You cannot add components to a chat tab.

Try clicking on your “Contacts” tab at the top left, or add a new tab using the plus (+) sign just to the right and above of that.

Hi Darren, thank you!

Yes, I had already tried the way you suggested before I post here, but couldn’t see the option for adding components;)

Screen video

Any chance you can make a video using
When I download that file, I just get a sequence of several thousand frames, and no obvious way to view them as a video. So very difficult to see what’s going on.

Just had a thought - sometimes when you add a new tab, it will default to a List Layout view, in which case you cannot add new components. In order to be able to customise and add new components, you need to switch to a Details layout.

Is that the problem here, maybe?

Oh was it, sorry. You may don’t have a dropbox account;) Will do that.

Even I choose the “details”, there’s no charge;)

Hey Darren, thanks! You were right!! It appeared on the left side…! On all the videos I watched it appeared on the right side, so I didn’t notice at first…;)Thanks a lot…!!

Yes, the builder was changed recently, and the video guides haven’t been updated yet.

Glad it’s solved for you :+1: