I am using this Apify actor.
I can test an api all successfully in postman.
I pasted the endpoint and body from Glide into postman.
Desperate to solve
Trying to figure out why I get a 400 error from Glide but exact same data works via postman.
I am using this Apify actor.
I can test an api all successfully in postman.
I pasted the endpoint and body from Glide into postman.
Desperate to solve
Trying to figure out why I get a 400 error from Glide but exact same data works via postman.
Update: If I paste the endpoint and body into the Call API configure action form, then it works! but using the same values from a table column doesn’t work.
I need the body to be dynamic.
My guess would be that your dynamic JSON may not be valid. You can check this by copy/pasting the generated JSON into an online validator such as https://jsonlint.com/
It looks like you are using a Template column to generate the JSON. Best practise is to use the JSON Object and/or JSON Template columns to generate it. This ensures you will always get valid JSON.
wow, amazing, will try now. this is hurting me
how do I create this where the url is dynamic using json object?
{ “startUrls”:[{“url”:“https://www.juremont.com.au/”}], “maxCrawlingDepth”:5 }
or do I need a template?
Bare strings should be quoted when using as replacements. eg. "https://example.com"
But should you be using a column value there?
I tried both.
So what do change?
won’t that turn into “whatever link I enter or a column value that is also a link”?
Oh! I removed the “” in my value and it worked so “url”: $link.
and it still fails with a 400 error. sigh
For context, this works:
This fails (using this column value as the json)
this is the output I see in Glide (assuming this is exactly what is substituted into the call using a column value:
However, copying from the data editor and pasting into the jsonlint tool gives me:
Where are the “” coming from?? Is Glide adding “” for no reason when coming from a column value and this is the problem?
That sometimes happens when you copy/paste. I think it’s a Glide bug. Try it 2 or 3 times until the extra quotes disappear. Note that it won’t impact what is actually generated.
Could it be the trailing forward slash on the URL that is causing the problem?
k sounds like no big deal then, phew.
It doesn’t work with or without it, oh man.
Wait no! I removed it and it worked. Oh my goodness, thanks so much @Darren_Murphy I have tried so many permutations that I hadn’t tried everything else plus no trailing /.
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