Google Sheets Formula Carry Down

I have an app that incorporates about 20 columns (each a formula) for each new row. I want to enable users to add a new entry in column A to the sheet and have the formulas carry down. However, I have yet to find a simple way to do this.

When a new entry is added, it does not carry down the formula. If I leave column A blank and prepopulate the formula columns, Glide entry comes in after the prepopulated rows.

Any help would be appreciated - in particular one that does not force me to reconfigure the entire app. I think this can be done with a second sheet but worry about reconfiguring the entire app.

I should add the the formulas are based on stock market data so I need to ensure I do not break the ability for the sheet to auto refresh (this is a pro account).

I would recommend learning about arrayformulas. But if possible, my higher recommendation would be to attempt to built the logic using glide columns in the data editor. It much easier and the app responds much faster than waiting for data to sync to the sheet, update with a formula, then sync back to the app. Glide columns update instantly on the user’s device.


Can we know more about the formulas you’re trying to use here? Probably we can find a way for you to have it inside Glide.


The formulas almost all call one of the Google sheets built in stock market functions. For that reason I do not think the glide calculation columns will work, or am I wrong?

Do you use GoogleFinance?


I think it’s best you use a Script to help with this because GoogleFinance doesn’t work with formulas. You can check out the post Jeff linked above, I did include a script there.

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hi there, i have issue with a formula.i have a quantity column, a price column and a subtotal column.i used this formula in subtotal column =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(A2:A),A2:A*B2:B,""))
and it works perferctly but only when price column format is number ,when i change to currency it doesnt work. any solution?

Was wondering what is the ARRAYFORMULA from of-then glide app to google sheet as we discussed yesterday

Thanks in advance

Are you asking how to create an arrayformula in a Google Sheet, or are you asking how to create the equivalent of an arrayformula in a Glide Table?

If a Glide Table, then the answer is to use a computed column. When you use a computed column, the same computation is automatically applied to every single row in the table. Which one you use depends on the situation. For example, if just want to add two values together, then you would use a math column. If you wanted to concatenate values, then you’d use a template. And so on…

Glide has a very rich collection of computed columns and plugins. Just about anything you can do with spreadsheet formulas can also be done with Glide Computed columns.

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Here is the screenshot on the glide table logic meed to replicate the logic in the Sheet, how
can I convert the if-then-else logic to an


Can you show the configuration of your if-then-else column please?

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Yea sure here is a screenshot bellow

That’s exactly the same screenshot, and doesn’t help at all.

How is that first column configured, and what determines whether the value is OFF or ON?

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