Google Maps/Places API Data Call Functionality

Hi all,

I have seen a number of apps that utilise business addresses and details.
I have the idea of there being Glide functionality that utilises the Google Maps/Place API to return information on a business (E.g. address, photo, rating, hours of business, etc).
Currently I am manually creating these details and storing them in Glide. I know there are Google Scripts out there that enable this information to be retrieved using the Google Maps API however, from my reading of Google’s terms you are not allowed to store this information within a database (the only piece of Google Maps data you can store is the place ID).
I know it would be possible to have a Google Script running that only calls the relevant info into a Sheet based upon an action, but I fear the delay between Glide, Google Sheet Scripts, retrieving data and displaying it back in the app will not be end user friendly!

Therefore my idea is that the app designer (I.e. us!) enters their Google Maps API key into the main settings of the app, and then there is functionality within Glide (maybe a component?) where you add that component and then there is a dropdown menu in the app editor to select the type of information you want to retrieve (E.g. address, rating, etc.).
The master info. can either be the place ID that is stored within the Glide /Google Sheet or a manually entered business name (maybe with the ability for the user to perform an instant search?).

The Glideapp component functionality then uses the app owner Google Maps API key logged and retrieves the relevant information from Google.
The relevant info. can then be displayed within the app; thus complying with Google’s terms of not permanently storing Google Maps/Places data.

I have considered if this type of functionality could be achieved via Glide Actions but I can’t see how this can be currently done.

I have added a feature request for this. Link here. Feel free to head over and up-vote.

love you did with the bulls phil but did you get this working? i want to build a trail map app for my mountain bike club… can you advise ?

Was this issue done ?

The Clearbit integration achieves the goal of this feature request.

From the documentation you linked, it seems clearbit only offers rich contact data — doesn’t tie in with google places though, right? Struggling to see how this solves his request (I have the same request, to show data from google places api).