Glide tabs / Faire référence entre onglet

J’ai créé une appli avec sheet Tab. Maintenant, je veux la mettre sur le store, il est donc nécessaire de la convertir en Glide table.
Je n’ai pas trouvé le moyen de le faire automatiquement. Du coup, je crée une nouvelle appli sur glide mais je me heurte à des difficultés.
Mon problème :
Sur mon fichier sheet, j’utilise une formule (=‘nom de l’onglet’, !Ref de la cellule) pour créer un lien de copie/miroir entre deux cellules d’onglets differents (Ici une photo, issue d’un formulaire).
Je n’arrive pas à faire de même dans la table de glide !!
Quelqu’un peut-il m’apporter une solution ?

I have created an application with sheet Tab. Now I want to put it on the store, so it is necessary to convert it to Glide table.
I have not found a way to do it automatically. So, I create a new app on glide but I am facing difficulties.
My problem:
On my sheet file, I use a formula (=‘tab name’, ! ref) to create a copy/mirror link between two cells of different tabs (Here a picture, from a form).
I can’t manage to do the same in the glide table!
Can anyone help me?

I’m guessing that you need a Single Relation and a Lookup.

Maybe but I can’t get what I want. How do I organize myself with these 2 tools.
Moreover, the “relation” or “lookup” columns do not appear in the “content” of a “tiles” in the “layot”. As a result, I can’t select the data I want to copy!

It’s difficult to say without seeing the data. Would mind providing a screen shot from the Glide Data Editor of each of the two tables?

Here are the pictures of the 2 tabs.
And I would like to do the same with the title…


  • Your relation column needs to be created in your Memo table, and it should match Memo->Description to Mes Vehicules->Description
  • Then the lookup column will fetch the Image for each vehicle via the relation.

A better way to do this would be to add a RowID column to your Mes Vehicles table, and use that as a VehicleID. And then in your Memo table, instead of adding the Vehicle Description, add the VehicleID. Then use that to create the relation. It is better to do it this way, because then if you ever change a Vehicle Description, the relation won’t break.


Thank you, it works.
I didn’t succeed with the rowIDs, but that’s not too bad. The headings in “description” are not intended to be changed.
Thank you

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