Glide / : How to see column names?

I’m using the new integration with Make to get rows from my glide user table. When I do this I see the following:

It’s odd that some of the columns are shown as name (name/email) and others by an id (JfvSi etc). Is there a way to force the names to show? The order doesn’t match dataview either so I am resorting to guessing - not easy with things like date columns.

Also, If I wanted to pull a subset of rows (example where user_status = activated) I can’t see a way to select just those. I am currently getting all rows then using FlowControl to decide which to act on. Doesn’t seem too efficient. Is anyone doing this in a smarter way?

You can check those IDs in your data view. Right click on the table > Show API > Add rows/Edit rows.

The API does allow you to do that with Big Tables using queries, the module doesn’t seem to allow you to do that as of now, and I don’t know if it’s feasible for normal Glide Tables.

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That showAPI is really handy, thanks! Unfortunately it highlights that the issue I really have is that I can’t use the computed fields (as you mentioned in the other thread). That is very annoying.

I really don’t want to repeat the logic in Make as I can see those getting out of sync.

I was trying to use the computed columns to filter out the rows I don’t need. Maybe I am going about it backwards.Am I missing a way to add a “where” to the get Rows?

That’s only possible with Big Tables.

ah, that’s the answer I didn’t want. Unfortunately that needs Business package, which is currently out of reach for this project.

I’m currently reading up on helper tables to see if they are an option.

All I want to do is to to the equivalent of

select * from users where account_status = live and due_date > now and last_email_date < due_date

so that I can email or slack those users with a “your thing is due” message.

Any other approaches worth me taking a look at?

Are any of those columns computed? If they are basic, you can use a filter in Make.

The following is the approach that I have taken, which works for me:

  • My App is 100% Glide Native tables
  • I created a Google Sheet that is not directly connected to the App.
  • The sole purpose of the Google Sheet is for managing email reminders
  • The way it works is:
    – On a daily basis, I fetch the table data that I need via the API using Apps Script
    – I then process the data, figure out which users need reminders, and trigger a notification email via a webhook to Make

It’s a little convoluted, but it gets the job done.

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