Hi Glide Community,
New to Glide but we are a highly technical team. Interested in Glide for a client project which involves a B2B customer portal.
It seems like we can do 90% of what we want to do but where I run into challenges (with my beginner perspective) is having the front end connect to any APIs. Seems like APIs are just to update the internal tables.
One use case I can think of is trying to communicate with Stripe and vaulting an ACH bank account connection. I know this is a really unique feature but are there any ways to do such things? Have not tested the browser component but not sure if that can do much other than rendering a page.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I see so much potential for using Glide in this project and hoping it can accommodate this use case.
You could acheive this by pushing the data you need to a webhook in make.com or similar platform, then doing your backend work and validation in any service you need, push back that data to a glide table, you’ll need to research keeping it all secure but It is certainly doable, I do it all the time
Thank you for the input! Can there be webhooks to our endpoint or it has to be through of the integrations like make.com? That would definitely increase the scope of security and would love to just provide our own webhook.
Also is this through front end or is this saving the data in a table then running the process in the background? If latter, is there a way to wait and show the result to the user?
Thanks again for your help!
You can trigger any types of webhook with a “Trigger Webhook” action. It’s to send info to an external webhook, in this case Make, which then allows you to have more steps to process your info or enrich it.
You can send a result back to Glide and write it to a basic column to show to the user.