JDBC in JS is not available actually… i tried experimental columns but they are slower than gscript webapps…
Will try to set up a server and keep connection to MySQL live rather than connecting always…
Thanks for the explanation. Great job still on the proof of concept. Wishing you all the best in working further on it…
Such endeavours help us “nocoders” to see what is possible with glide and just how far it can be pushed in terms of limits etc…
Isn’t it available? Really?
I use a JDBC connection to retrieve data from a MS SQL Server database daily and works fine so far but it’s running from a GS script and now, reading your reply, I wonder why I haven’t tested my code by using an XC in GDE??
Let me try it and let you know any good result.
Hi I tired and its laggy and slow unfortunately not reliable
Hello @ShantanuIyengar ,congratulate you.
Add a title and within 5/6 seconds it updated.
Currently I have an app connected to mysql but it reads the information once a day and writes me the mysql table every certain period.
do you use an external connector?
I use Scripts for both cases
Yes this uses gscript only but the information is fetched as soon as you search for something!
The information is sent back quickly but it takes time to render it in the app!
Great, very good.
I have a question @ShantanuIyengar about how you are resulting the array into an inline list ?
have you tried this in Glide pages? Since glide pages DO have pagination, maybe it works better?
I am returning a limited set of 20 json objects in an array when searched! And then using jquery i transform the json entirely in the app
Its not about rendering in pagination!
Its about fetching so much data and then computing it in glide! Which is bit time consuming!
So you conncet them to a static emtpy rows ?
I get the json file! Use a single value for static 20 rows and then I use jquery to sort the data and then render it!
this is pretty awesome… im kinda wondering how you got the search/add button combo… nice work!
Hey @Blue_Community
Its actually done using CSS!
The buttons are reduced in size to fit 20% of the screen! There is no text just icon! and margin-top is set to negative 100px to make it come up! Then i put the three elements side by side by setting margin right as 60% and 80% respectively
It was a proof of concept!
Still working on a better solution
I think this thread can be useful for @hani_ibrahim to understand some technical issues we have to overcome.
I was reading the entire topic, then suddenly i found my name . Thank you for remembering me.
However, I think, we need to find a way to solve that issue by limiting the data itself using a way or another.
For example, we are now using “User Specific Column” to limit the data to be tailored to the current user. However, we may extend that to be not only the current user, but may be to the current project team members or by any condition might be adjusted by the app developer “Us”.
Once we fetch the require limited data, then Glide can start do the required computation.
I don’t know how to implement that or the border limits to be incorporated, but it is a way of loudly thinking with you all.
Opening such limit will allow me to run multi companies and multi modules under one umbrella for easy management and better linking the modules together.
Like inspection module, drawing module, inventory module and accounting module etc.