Glide App and PDFMonkey


Please excuse this question if it seems overly simple. I have just started using glide and pdfmonkey.

I’m trying to understand the format I need to show / hide parts of my template in PDFmonkey.

Within GLide app I have dynamic info that may or may not be filled out so I want to hide information in PDFMonkey if the information is missing.

For example I am trying to hide some tables

PDFMonkey template:

        {% if (???) == false %} - What I'm trying to figure out
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="Thing1">
            <th></th> <!-- Dummy cell for the row number and row commands -->
        {% endif %} - End of what I'm trying to hide

        {% if (???) == false %} - What I'm trying to figure out
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="Thing2">
            <th></th> <!-- Dummy cell for the row number and row commands -->
        {% endif %} - End of what I'm trying to hide

Within Glide:

I have a text field that shows what was selected in glide in the format: Thing1,Thing2,Thing3…etc

So for example: if Thing2 and Thing3 was selected in GLide how do I go about having that variable make the the statement true to show the table related to Thing2 and Thing3. I’m thinking I need the statement to show the variable does contain Thing2 or Thing3 to show the table. Or is there a better way to do this?

Thank you for your time.

Hi Nathan, that’s pretty close already.

This displays if thing1 is not blank.

{% if thing1 != blank %}
Display something.
{% endif %}

This displays if thing1 OR thing2 is not blank.

{% if thing1 != blank OR thing2 != blank %}
Display something.
{% endif %}

This displays if thing1 AND thing2 are not blank.

{% if thing1 != blank AND thing2 != blank %}
Display something.
{% endif %}

Thanks for the help

I knew I was close, but I wasn’t sure of the exact syntax I needed to use.

Please let me know if it works.