Getting data out of Glide, using Zapier or Airtable?

I’m using Glide with an Airtable integration. I want to store the Glide row ID for each user in Airtable (1000s of rows, too many to do manually). But I’m not sure how to extract this from Glide. I tried Zapier, but struggling to find a way to extract from Glide…

Are rows being added from Glide or Airtable? My thinking is if you’re adding from Glide, you can add a basic column in Airtable first, then try a set column action to pass the rowID to the Airtable column?

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That seems like a very logical and simple solution, but for some reason, I can’t find the Glide Row ID field that’s usually in my table, only something called “Unique Identifier” which doesn’t look the same. Is this because it’s a new row so I’m populating it before it has a Row ID?

You can add a new “RowID” column to your Glide Table first, it’s not there by default. Then you can use it in the set column action, tied to an on-submit action assuming you’re using a form.

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That’s not working for some reason.

My Action is from a button on one page/table, creating a new row in another table. I have a “RowID” column in both tables, but the new rows I’m creating are not letting me Set Column Values to “RowID.”

Does that make sense?

Can you describe in more detail what you are trying to do? If you add a RowID column, it should automatically populate with with new Row IDs whenever a new row is added.


Seems like it populates a RowID after it’s created, so I’m having trouble using Set Column Values to auto-populate it into a field that Airtable can access.

So you’re not using a native form, is that correct?

Sorry, I’m not familiar with the nuances of Airtable, but with a google sheet, I can add a Row ID column from within the glide data editor, it adds it to my google sheet table, and it automatically populates and is available in the google sheet. I don’t have to use a set column action. When a row is added, Glide automatically populates it. So I’m having a little bit of trouble understanding the problem you are running into. Thinking about it now, I seem to recall issues with adding basic columns to an Airtable table from within Glide, and the requirement being that they are adding on the Airtable side. Is that the same case here with a RowID column?

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No, there’s no form; it’s just a button on one page/table that activates an Action that creates new rows on another page/table. Does that help clarify?

Oh, so you’re using an Add Row action?

I’m also not familiar with Airtable. Just to confirm, when you add a rowID column to your Airtable table in Glide, it does not sync back to Airtable?

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Yes, I am, sorry if that wasn’t clear. When I add a row, using glide, yes, it appears in airtable. Seems like I’m getting hung up on the glide side of things, though, because There is no row ID available to copy into a basic column. However, once the row is created, then the row ID exists

I mean is the rowID in your destination table synced to Airtable, or not? I guess not?

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Can you please answer my question, because I think it will help clear up our confusion. Many of us do not use Airtable because it just works differently compared to other data sources and has some limitations that aren’t present with other data sources. The problem you are describing is not typically a problem in any other cases. Add a rowID column and that’s it. Nothing else. It just works. If it’s a google sheet, the column is visible in the google sheet and automatically populated.
Nothing special to it. We are just trying to understand how Airtable is handling the RowID column when you add it to the table through the Glide data editor.

The docs mention the following, so I’m inclined to think that maybe it’s the same problem with a RowID column and doesn’t sync that new RowID column to the actual airtable. It just stays internal to Glide.

Once we understand that, we can guide you appropriately. For something like glide tables and Google sheets, this is typically very trivial and doesn’t involve any hoops to jump through.

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The Glide RowID is not sync with Airtable. The only way to display it is to create your own colulmn in airtable and paste the RowID into it.

But for me its easier to use the “Unique Identifier” and make your own column id when using Airtable table.


Thanks, all, for your input.

A) Maybe it would help to take a step back and describe what I’m trying to achieve.

  1. I need to send an email (that’s triggered by my user table in Airtable).
  2. This email to my user needs to contain a link to a specific page/screen in that user’s corresponding Glide account (I think that’s called a “deeplink”).
  3. I believe I need the Glide RowID to properly reference that page/screen (or at least that’s what I’ve tried, and it seems to work).
  4. I do not want to send this email directly from Glide.

What do I need to do to build that capability?

B) Jeff, per your question, I’m not technical, so I’ll try to respond by describing what I see happening.

  • (i) When I create a column in Airtable, it DOES appear in Glide.
  • (ii) When I create a column in Glide (RowID or otherwise), it does NOT appear in Airtable.
  • (iii) When I create a basic column (text) in Airtable, I can’t seem to edit it or fill it with Glide info (like RowID).
  • (iv) When I create a RowID column in Glide (RowID or otherwise), it does NOT appear in Airtable.

I need a solution that’s not manual (not copy/paste) from Glide to Airtable.

Does that help clarify what I’m running into?

You would need the RowID in Glide to be presented in Airtable.

Yes, that’s correct.

Can you show us in some screenshots or a video how you’re using the Add Row action that you mentioned here?

We might just need to know how you’re structuring your data and flow in Glide, I’m thinking a relation/query + lookup + set column will be sufficient here.

Here’s a screenshot with explanations:

Is that the image you were looking for?

Do you store any type of reference IDs like the user who added the record to the Add-People-Sessions table?

My thinking is you can use a relation/query + single value column to pull the last rowID that was submitted by the signed-in user to the Add-People-Sessions table, and use a set column action to set that rowID to the “basic rowID” column in that same table.