Getting data out of Glide, using Zapier or Airtable?

I do have unique IDs for each of those records.

What triggers the action you described below? Is it manual? Unfortunately, with my users workflow, I can’t get them to click a Button to get sent a reminder email.

“use a set column action to set that rowID to the “basic rowID” column in that same table.“

Sorry, that should have said reference IDs, not unique IDs.

No, it’s not manual. It should be integrated directly into your flow here.

As long as you log the ID of the user who created the row, you can follow my steps above.

Late in the day here…I’m just not understanding this.

In Airtable, I have a unique “Add-People-Sessions LookupCode” that is (i) the SessionNumber and (ii) the user’s email address. This unique value is known for every Add-People-Sessions row before it’s created, unlike the Glide RowID. Or am I wrong and the Glide RowID is predictable so I know what it will be?

This Action is triggered in my Sessions-Table, so I can only Create a new row in my Add-People-Sessions-Table (not edit an existing one), so i have to “Set column values” in that same step.

What new step am I creating in my Action to achieve what you describe?

Do you have an image/video of what you’re describing? I can’t picture it at the moment…

I hope this is clearer. Taking all other irrelevant actions in your flow out of the way, I’m just talking about how to set the rowID to a basic column.

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Thanks, @ThinhDinh! Very clear and helpful.

I’ve followed all these steps, but when I create that basic column in Add-People-Sessions, it does not write to/sync with the basic column in the last step :frowning:

Can you show me in some screenshots what columns you have now?

  1. Query in the Sessions table:
  2. Last row via Single Value (whole row)
  3. Last Row ID via Single Value
  • All the above steps seem to work for me.
  1. My issue is trying to Set Column Value in the Action using the info from that Single Value column. I don’t know how it’s possible to wait for 5-6 seconds in the middle of an Action.

You already have that step in the middle of your chain.

I’m basically advising you to add the row first, then wait 5-6 seconds so that you can retrieve it’s automatically generated ID, and use a set column action to set that ID back to your basic text column so that it can be synced to Airtable.

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OK, here’s what I’ve done (screencaps below). It’s still not populating the Row ID in my basic [Add-People-Session] column, even though I can successfully Query the Row ID in my Sessions-Table (per your instructions). There must be something wrong with the way I’m trying to execute the Set Column Values step after the delay…?

  1. Query
  2. Set Column Values

Why do you have it as an If-Then-Else column?

Just for convenience/simplicity; it’s aggregating six different Single Value column types. It doesn’t have to be an if/then column. Here it is with the Single Value, below.

So even if it’s a single value column that gets the last rowID submitted from the destination table, it doesn’t work?

Can you send some screenshots on how you setup those columns as well?

Unfortunately, I don’t think I can solve this by creating links for the Add-People-Sessions table. I think I’ll have to create one link for the Sessions table instead. Not my first choice because it adds an extra click for the user to then select the Add-People-Sessions table that they want, but it’s better than nothing. Thanks so much for your help!

Airtable has Record ID like RowID in Glide
you can set an automation in Airtable what you want like send email