Get n'th element of an array

Maybe it’s dead simple - but I just dont’t know :expressionless:
How do I get the n’th element from an array.

I was doing an image/color palette column with 5 elements - and now I would like to extract number 2 in the array.

How to do that?

Hola @Krivo

You can do that by using a Single Value column and set it to Get “From Start”
The 2nd element in the array should be 1


Thx @SantiagoPerez

That’s what I thought would work. But maybe color palette (plugin) isn’t an array. It takes all values in

Hey @Krivo

It is working for me.


@SantiagoPerez Thanks.

I did it in a way I thought would be the same - but it wasn’t.
Arh - it returned the second row - not the second item in the color palette column

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Just take the array right at the beginning of the list. Not from the tables.


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