I’d like to have a whole full screen image of my app ‘homepage’, not as a background but as an image that extends to the bottom of the screen with some buttons on it.
‘Title’ and ‘Container’ are both quite small, even set to maximum height, and image has a white border around it which looks incongruous with the rest of my content.
Id like to achieve something like the BSAC website (on mobile renders as an image with three buttons), without the snazzy video / image changing just a static image.
I am assuming I can use CSS to either extend the height of the title or remove the border on the image but can’t find any examples of this and haven’t used CSS before - any examples / walkthrough of this?
Having had a play, I think only two further questions:
Another else I put on the page is now superimposed on the background or pushes the buttons and text down rather than appearing under the image, however I rearrange the components - any way round this?
I see you’ve used unsplash to give a photo inc some image rendering. I want to use my own image and thing I can use cloudinary to render mine correctly - can I connect the CSS to a template column in my data?