Free AI

Do you think Glide will offer free AI integration anytime soon?

By that I mean no credit card required to pay for prompt usage.

Seems like AI engines are evolving so fast that surely some older models will be available at no cost soon.

You would have to convince OpenAI to offer their services for free. Not Glide.


From the Glide side, the OpenAI integration is on the free plan, so you can use the 11 or so OpenAI features of that integration at no extra cost.

As Jeff mentioned, you do need to setup Glide with the API of your OpenAI account, and OpenAI provides this at a cost. I have used it a little and I found the service affordable (granted everything is relative).


Every “free” AI service has someone, somewhere, eating the cost. :slight_smile:


It’s not free, but the Glide AI solution they’re testing required no external setups. You would just need to be on a big enough plan to be able to use it (I don’t have info on which tiers would be able to use it, it’s on alpha).


We have no plans to give away AI for free. Can you tell me more about your use case?

See my new post from today.