Filter in List not working

Team ID:

  • In the Glide dashoard URL, e.g.

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  • In the Glide builder URL, e.g.

Filtering Collection doesn’t give expected results.

How to replicate

  • Source table for this collection is table “Stranke_kontakti”.
  • In this table there is column “Podjetje/ID”
  • In that column I paste RowID of the rows in table “Stranke_podjetja”
  • I would like to filter out only rows from “Stranke_kontakti” that have “Podjetje/ID” same as RowID of the element I am currently editing (on the current screen)

In a nutshell I would like to filter out people that are employed at a certain company (company that I am currently editing)

Things I did

  • To make sure I am actually in the correct row and that to check if my “Screen” data is actually “Stranke_podjetja” I have added Text field and added content “RowID” (dynamically linked through content) and got text result: “25j0aADzSBK9Z3aHkBqLbw”. This way I can manually read and check in DB if “Podjetje/ID” is actually same as current RowID; meaning filter setting "Podjetje/ID is Screen RowID.
  • Unfortunately Collection gives no result.
  • The way I can “trick” it is to hard print RowID and change "Podjetje/ID is Costum → 25j0aADzSBK9Z3aHkBqLbw

On the image 1: Collection with no filter. Showing that Podjetje/ID actually match screen RowID:

On the image 2: Here I made a filter and no result came back

On the image 3: Here I hard printed the RowID and that brough expected result

I can replicate this and it does seem like a bug. Seems to be an issue specific to using the RowID.
I will escalate this.

For an alternative, if you create a relation linking your Stranke_podjetja table to Stranke_kontaki using the row id’s, then you should be able to source your collection from that relation.


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