Looking for some help with adding and removing items from ‘my favourites’ over different tables.
My app set up is one that has multiple categories and multiple sub categories. The setup at the moment is
User completes a form → on submission it writes to two tables (first for that forms sub category & the 2nd for an ‘all’ table) → other users can view the sub category and +/- any listings from their favourites OR view the favourites page and remove them from there → my issue is I am unsure how to allow users to add / remove these same listings from their favorites shortlist from the ‘all’ table. I need a relation on the table I think that pulls from the correct cell as opposed to the whole column.
Sorry this might be super confusing and happy to provide more informaiton!
Really appreciate any help in advance,
thank you
Thank you!
Yes for sure!
Screenshot 1 - shows that I have a table for ‘all’ and then additional tables for each of the sub categories. so when a user completes a form the action is to write to the sub category table and create a new row in the ‘all’ table.
Screenshot 2 - I have the two columns for if fav true then user ID with a relationship to the user profile - this part works perfectly at the moment
Screenshot 3 shows how I have an ‘all’ page or users can view from the individual sub categories. Each of those pages are pulling from a different table as the source.
Where I am coming unstuck is adding the same functionality of +/- items from a favourites list on the ‘all’ page - at the moment users can easily add and remove from any of the sub category pages - it is only when i have all listings that I don’t know what relation or set up to have for these same listings to be +/- from the list.
So I have one table for each sub category (6) and then one table for ‘all’ - the reason I set it up this way was so each sub category could have their own page that contained a collection of only listings for this sub category.
Not sure how else I would have set it up to have a page for each with only one table as the ‘collections’ populated with all rows of the table.
I might have done this in a very ‘clunky manner’!
Thank you!
Then when you want to show everything, don’t apply any filters in your collection. If you want to show only Category A, then filter “Item Category” is “Category A”.
Wow now I feel silly haha thank you so much I should have clued onto that way earlier in the peace! Really appreciate the help and solving this for me!