False Positive Security Warning

Hi Glide Community,

I’m encountering a problem with one of my apps, and I’m hoping for some advice or insights.

One of our partners reported that the link to our app is being flagged by Microsoft Defender as malicious, showing a warning that the website might not be safe. I did a quick scan using VirusTotal, which found no issues.

The app in question is using the Airtable integration but nothing else outside of Glide.

  • Has anyone else experienced similar issues with Glide apps being flagged by security software?
  • Are there any best practices or steps to ensure Glide app links aren’t misclassified by such systems?

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help.

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One of my clients also reported this just recently. I’m not familiar with Microsoft Defender, but I suggested to them to check if it is possible to whitelist the glide.page domain. I’m waiting to hear the outcome.


Having this exact same issue - and it started with Outlook actually blocking my own outbound and inbound email from only one specific app i have on glide. Huge issues now with the customer also blocking emails…