Export CSV filtré

Bonjour à la communauté.
J’ai fait un app qui evalue des apprenants sur plusieurs stages.
Je voudrais exporter en fin de stage la liste des évaluations en fonction du stage.
pour ce faire, j’ai :

  • Une datatable avec toutes les évaluations

Dans l’app, j’ai une page export dans laquelle j’ai un “Choice” qui sélectionne le stage voulu dans la data table, me rempli une table sur la page avec les évaluations concernées.

A partir de là, je voudrai faire un export csv… C’est là qu’est l’os !
Ma table étant remplie par la datatable, le csv reprend toutes les évaluations et non pas celles du “Choice” uniquement.

Qui peut m’aider ??

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Create a Query or Multiple Relation column that matches the choice with the same value in the Ratings table, then use that column as the source of the CSV Export.

Thanks for your answer, but i need more help.
I make a Datatable named csv with a query column.
In the fild source i put may eval datatable
In filter i put that the cours in the eval datatable is the choice cours
But i have no response

Some screenshots would be helpful.


In this windows, i put CA1E - 1 by custom.
When i choose it in a datatable, it dont work (i cant save)
It like the field in the datatable have not the good format

Looks like you are hard-coding the Session value in the filter. I thought you wanted to filter by the value of a choice component?

Yes that what i want

Can I see a screen shot of the data table please? (including the column headers)

Here the column with the choice value

The source datatable

The app screen

In your Query, set the filter to “Session is This row->Poubelle”

That means that the query should be in the eval (source) table ???
For the moment it is in a destination table

The Query should be in the same table that the screen is attached to.

Ok after how convert the query as csv ?

I assume you are using the CSV Integration? You would set the Query as the source of that.

Yes i have a button to create csv, open it

But in the column i cant see the query column

My query column is named “Selection”

As long as the query column is in the same table, you should be able to select it.

You can see the evals(source) datatable

The query is right. The data are true

You need to select the Query column as the source of the CSV, like below:

Thank for your time
Here is what i see

It is like if query column cant be seen in the app