Excel Data Source is available now! (Alpha)

Hi, Gliders!

We’re excited to announce you can now create Glide Apps and Pages using Microsoft Excel as a data source!

This is an Alpha release. This means that you may experience bugs or issues, so please let us know and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Note about using Excel on Glide: your Excel file must be saved to OneDrive or Microsoft 365 online storage to sync with your Glide project.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please tell us what you think:

  • What do you like or dislike about using Excel on Glide?
  • What features would make Excel on Glide better?

Try Excel now!


Great news.

This is going to please alot of businesses that use and rely on excel. :clap:



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Am I reading correctly ? That’s a real change for many of our business !! Good job guys

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Fabulous news. Thank you.

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Great news!
We have a few enterprise leads who still use Office and this should be a game changer for us to close those leads.


The one thing that has me stuck is the (seemingly arbitrary) 10 row limit. You’re basically asking us to pay take an app pro that hasn’t even been developed yet (and therefore is not making money). The 500 row limit in Google Sheets and Glide Tables is a better solution. Don’t know why you changed it for Excel.

Ugh I just read this. Surely can’t be true. Seems a big own goal for Glide if this is true.

@SantiagoPerez can you confirm this?

Airtable and Excel have indeed a 10 row limit in the Free tier.

Excel and Airtable are meant to be exclusive to Pro apps. You can connect and try them with a free app, but we want you to upgrade to use them for real.

Our new pricing is coming soon, and will make this much better, as you will upgrade your Team, rather than individual apps, and a Pro team will allow unlimited Airtable & Excel apps.