If you don’t need to show all people attending an event, you can add a boolean column name “Joined”. When you click the “join” button, set the boolean column to true and vice versa for the leave comment (clear value).
Thanks for the help! What I don’t seem to understand is:
The column “Joined” is global, no? So if I change “Joined” to true, then for every user this event is joined? Or am I missing something?
Every event has 3 values: Sport (number), Eco (number) and Social (number).
If I click a button “Sport”, then the Event’s “Sport” needs to do value +10. The thing is, I want this value to be global. So if 5 different users click on “Sport”, then the sport number for that event needs to be 50.
And the event can show “Sport: 50” in the event list.
Have a regular inline list for checks , and two images represent check and uncheck value, if column to swap those images, now you can create any custom action for a checklist