Empty rows

Hi, I have been making my first glide app! The premise is to be able to track your inventory for sports card collectors. I have set up a table/collection titled “inventory.” The struggle for me is that when the user adds a new row to the collection, it also adds that new row in another users table. So for one user the row is being used and for another it is not. Is there a way to combat this and or prevent it? If I need to provide more information please do let me know. All help is appreciated!

Hi Matthew! Can you show us how did you set up your action that adds those rows? May be a quick Loom video? (loom.com its free).

Hi, I am away from the computer atm but I believe I just used the automatic “add item” action that is already present as soon as a collection element is put into place. I did not create my own action in the actions page.

Do you have a column in your Inventory table that identifies the user that added each row?
If not, you need one. Then you can either use that column as a filter (not secure), or apply row owners (secure).

I do not have that currently set up, would you mind explaining a little how that works? I am very new to all this lol