Editing the "Edit Item Form" is changing multiple screens/interfaces

I have two screens/interfaces that pull data from the same google sheet. For some reason, when i start to remove the “edit item” fields/components, it is changing both screens and not just the one I am editing.

Very hard to explain this properly, but I want two screens with varying privileges and visibility. One where you can edit all the fields of an item, add items, and it is only visible to a few team members. And another screen where you can only edit a few fields of an item.

Why when I start to delete fields/components from one edit form screen (named “forty inventory”), it also edits my the totally separate screen with extra privileges (named Mgmt Forty Inventory) where I want all of those component privileges to still exist.

I’ve attached some screenshots that show the management screen “Mgmt Forty Inventory” and the other screen “Forty Inventory” that i want to have more limited editing rights i.e. less components available



Edit screens are linked to the table they are attached to, so they are going to share the same edit screen. If certain components are dependent on the type of user, it might be a lot easier to just set visibility conditions on components that can only be changed by management.


Thanks Jeff! I did not realize that individual components had visibility settings - I will look into that

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You can also group components together inside containers, and set visibility on the whole container. That can be a bit easier to manage.


Thanks Darren! I went this route