Dynamic forms sense check - Is this the correct / best way to do it?

Happy Sunday all

I want to add a dynamic form to my site, so that, using a Glide AI column (Text to Boolean) - I can show certain fields if the AI determines it is necessary. I have got the Text to Boolean AI working well and giving good results.

I have it working on a test site, but can I check this is the best practice before I implement?

Previously I had the Glide AI column just working directly in my table - not triggered by an Action, and my usage quota went through the roof! This avoids that, and also gives the user immediate feedback and allows them to complete more options depending on their input.

I have done the following - which seems to work, but is also a little convoluted.

  • Two tables - Helper and Main - both with identical columns, except the Helper table has an AI Text to Boolean column, and the Main table has a basic Boolean column in its place. All columns in the Helper table are User Specific
  • A screen with the Helper table as the source (that’s the bit that is counter intuitive to me). This screen contains a Table component - with the source set as “Main table”. This serves as the main display of items from the Main table.
  • Title bar action set to Show Detail Screen for “This item”. This opens a new detail screen for the row in the Helper table as an overlay
  • On that detail screen, I have text entry fields etc as required - and my containers with the relevant conditional visibility settings - all looking at the row from the helper table.
  • Finally - that same detail screen has a button which triggers an action to 1) Add a row to the Main table, using all the values from the Helper table 2) Clear all the values from the helper table, and 3) Close Overlay

As I say, it seems to work ok - but let me know if there is a better way


PS - To any England football fans - COME ON ENGLAND!

So you let the AI decide to display entry components on-the-fly based on what users input in a previous section of the form?

Yes that’s correct. Basically, if the user enters what is a delivery (for example, deliver furniture) a couple of input fields are then displayed allowing them to enter the size of vehicle and which entrance the vehicle needs to use