Dynamic Form Filter

Thanks Jeff, I’ll try this later when I have time :smile:

I recall people were not able to do that when the screen thing came to production.

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It could be a recent development. Before trying it for the first time for this post, I had verified yesterday that the screen values were at least available to choose from within a form. Admittedly, I always tend to test and check things in staging (many of my screenshots come from staging), but in this case I did do it in the production environment. Maybe it’s new as of today. :wink:


It does work indeed Jeff, maybe it’s very new because last week it wasn’t there. Thanks a lot as always!

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@ThinhDinh I have a similar question. I have a data set of which I have displayed in a data grid and made editable in Glide pages. Is it possible to select a month from a drop down menu and have the corresponding values for that row be displayed and editable?

Fro example. March has been selected. I want to display all the numbers for March and have users be able to edit this. I am using a form screen and this screen does not allow filtering. Please see picture.

I’m not entirely sure what you’re trying to do here. Do you want people to be able to add their expenses for a month? What exactly should the “filter” do? Shouldn’t it be an edit screen opposed to a form screen?

Hi, that is an edit screen, however when I change the month in the drop down menu, the values in the edit boxes stay the same.

For example: Expense for Web Application Dev = $520.00 for March. Expense for Web Application Dev should be $720.00 for April but it stays the same.

Maybe I need a simpler method. Thanks for your time

Wouldn’t you want a different data structure? A line for each combination of user and month, that way you can edit things easier?

How are you letting people input these at first?