Along with cloning components (see my post here: Copy a Component), would love the ability to clone a tab.
Use case: I built out a details tab full of conditional components etc, but now it’s gotten too bloated and I want to move some of those components to a new tab. It would be really handy to simply clone the tab and then delete the components that I no longer want in either tab rather than recreating the complex details view from scratch.
For me, cloning a Form would be awesome. I have several forms that are used to build user profiles, etc and I add buttons to each tab that give users the ability to edit their profiles from anywhere in the app. Each time I add a form button, I have to manually add each field even though each button is meant to capture the same information. If I could save a form and load it as a button action (i.e. link to form “xyz” ) that would be fantastic.
+1 here for localization or create for us dropdown titles that can be read from the sheet so so we can configure the tab name from the sheet it self with formula
I am building an app that collects post flight data for a discrete aircraft. Based on what mission type the aircraft is flying, the pilot would select one of 6 different forms for submission. While each of these forms is specific to that mission, there are a large number of common data points that are collected (pilot name, base of origin, base of termination, etc).
I would like to create a copy of the first form, then edit it to create the subsequent forms.