Do you always have to use "template" column for custom strings

I was wondering if there was a way in the layout to be able to append text to a value for display purposes only. For example, in a column I calculate the weeknum. In different areas of the app, I display this value along with text to what it is for. But the text associated with it can be different depending on where it is displayed… would be great to be able to be able to do this from the layout without having to create template columns for every slight different presentation.


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There is no such feature but you can play around with components to find ones that have 2+ fields to display text so that you can write labels next to the value. When you know the components library really well, you will choose the best options and the number of template columns in your DB will reduce drastically :slight_smile: Plus, you can leverage the units feature in math and rollup columns to append strings to either side of the value

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Thanks. That is on my agenda today to study all of the different column types available :slight_smile:

Yeah, you have to use template columns the majority of the time. I typically call these “(column name)_display.”

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Great minds Robert… I name mine Display/Column Name