Displays unique data in another table, from which data is used for calculations

is there a way to calculate unique dates?
I have data entry like this

in another sheet I have data that takes the unique date of the data entry, in the spreadsheet I can do it easily, but what about GT?

Try to joined all dates to an array and use Unique Elements column

I have created a joined column, but when adding a unique data element it is not available, is there something wrong?
please guide

Not joined list, but lookup

Do you care about what you’re supposed to display not having days when you don’t have any records?

One of the methods would be:

  • Create a query filtering the Tanggal column to be the same as current row > Tanggal and Kode Mutasi equals to 2.
  • Use a rollup to calculate the sum of the column you need.
  • Add a single value column on top of the query to return the first rowID.
  • On the front end, show records from this table with the rollup, filter by rowID equals to “first rowID”.
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thank you very much @ThinhDinh , this method works

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