Displaying 2 different collection with the same column

I have a list of 100 musicians with a random number which determines a position in the list like 448, 65, 945, 561, 446, 217, etc…
I need to display the first 60 person who are those they can perform live (easy)
I also need to display the others 40 who are in the waiting list (argh)

When one of the first 60 is out, it deletes his number, the first in the waiting list takes his place and appears in the performers list automatically.

How can I do all of this ? :pray:

I think you could filter your collection to only show rows where the number is not empty, and then set up the collection to be limited to showing only 6o rows. Every time a number is removed, the next available person should show up in the list.

Yes but I want to show in another collection the 40 others

Is there a way to have in another column the number of the place ?
Like this :
30 → 1
47 → 2
68 → 3
95 → 4
136 → 5
219 → 6
It will be easier to filter the 2 collections :
1 to 60
61 to 100

Try doing it with query column.

I’ve already done it.
I can filter from the first item to the 60th by displaying but I cannot filter from 61 to 100.

Is your total number of shows always 100 or does it fluctuate?

It can fluctuate if a user decide to unsubscribe.

If you want to number them, you will need 3 additional columns as follows:


Ho yes, it helps a lot :partying_face:
Thank you :pray:

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