Display html component on a custom cell on glide-data-grid

Hello there,

In Glide data grid, i would like to create a custom cell, and in this custom cell, i would like to display a HTML component like . Is there a way to render HTML in a custom cell ?

Thanks for your help,

I don’t believe that is possible. What is your use case?

I would like create a custom cell that I call basic-cell. And in the renderer of this custom cell i would like to return my react component in the props draw like in the props provideEditor

For clarification, are you referring to using Glide Apps, or using the open source Glide Data Grid outside of Glide Apps?

This forum primarily focuses on no-code app development using the Glide platform. Your question and a previous question from you seem to allude that you are using the open source Glide Data Grid for something else.

You may get confusing responses if it’s not clear what you are looking for help with.


I use the open source Glide Data Grid

Yeah, that’s a little out of scope for this forum. I would be willing to bet that very little to no users in this forum actually use that open source grid. This is more about Glide apps around here.

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There is a discord which may be a better communication channel for you.


thank you so much

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