I’ve been focusing my experience in building in Glide, including re-watching some lessons in the University and gaining my Level 1.
I realized that there are some functionalities explained that should be working correctly… some things I’ve been struggling with for the last couple of weeks.
Examples include showing multiple relations or arrays in the layout/component view. Queries as well…
Did I miss something in the training? Or should these absolutely be able to show correctly in the layout view instead of data omitting?
Should a bug be reported, or if it already has… how can we find out the status?
…also to note, I am on the free plan for now until I gain a little traction with my builds. Would appreciate understanding if my subscription plan plays a role in whether or not the functions should be working as designed.
Do you have a specific example? Multiple Relations and Queries can be displayed using collections. Arrays can be displayed with a couple of components, such as the Image or Link components because they are designed to handle arrays. Just about everything else component-wise expects single values. If you have something specific, we should be able to point out what might be wrong.
I’ve been troubleshooting and playing around with it. I think some of the issues I’m facing have to do with setting row owners/user specific columns… this is what I’ve been playing with this morning because I’ll have a couple users test the app soon.
I haven’t followed that thread closely, but in one of your screenshots I noticed you made a RowID column a row owner column. Tables under row ownership will only return data to the user if they are an owner. The value in a row owner column must match either a signed in user’s email or their role if you have configured roles through the user profile configuration. Most likely, setting a RowID column as a row owner will never work because that row ID will never be linked to a specific user. It’s just a unique identifier for the row.
When previewing in the builder, the data editor shows all owned and unowned rows. Unowned rows will be greyed out. If real life, users will have zero access to unowned rows. Don’t ever fully trust what you see in the data editor. It has access to all rows, so values from unowned rows will still show up, but the app itself can’t see those unowned rows.
I suspect your issue has to do with row ownership and trying to retrieve values from rows you do not own.
Likewise, the same goes for user specific columns. I see several of them in your screenshot, which seems unnecessary. You only have access to data you entered into user specific columns. Not what others have entered into those same colums. Only use user specific columns if you expect multiple users to enter unique values in the same column in the same row.
I don’t see any reason for having user specific columns in your log table, especially if a user is creating a new log row every time.
Your row owners is also wrong, but I’m not sure what you are going for there, especially if the purpose of row owners is to protect data from other users. It all depends on how many people need access to all rows vs only some of the rows.