I use DeepLink with 2 apps (one private other public with same datatables)
I search to expose some public UserData based on their public User_profil in one unique single page.
The secondary app has only one page to see.No cat, No filters
Deeplink generated are #dl/1717d or https//. /dl/1717d but always the same number for all users!
If I change my user manually I have always the same deeplink generated, but users are not identical.
In the tut of @Petitto the rows are IdRows to every item, but in one single page with UserProfiles and No login access how to get One page by User and passing UseInformation?
Not really. In this case User1 and User2 are not members of private UsersProfil (owner Id@email) private and logged.
This is my question:
UserProfil (private and loggedIn)
rowid1 User1 id@email1
rowid2 User2 id@email2
App2 public (public and no login need)
Userprofil 1to1 relation to UserProfil_public
Need generate for each private owner Id@email one public Userprofil related to this id@email.
All tables are shared
I search to allow access in one public page the userInformation authorized by the user of private solution.
How to pass UserInformation from private Userprofil to a public Userprofil to be able to access in one public webpage and get a Deeplink reachables.