I’m building a single app to be used by many clients that perform medical exams (blood, stool, urine etc).
But each client has its own exam template (different fields from each other), and because of that I’m having a hard time figuring out how to structure my database.
They need to create a exam template, then load this template and insert the values for each field.
Do you guys have any idea on how to build a solution where my clients fill a form, or something similar, creating each field they wish for a exam and then, finally, they select which exam they need and BOOM all the fields are there and they need only to insert the values for each?
My first thought was to invert columns for lines in the database, but I’m not sure this would work and I’m also concerned about having a high volume of lines
Is having a separate app for each of your clients an option? If the forms contain too many different pieces of info then I would seriously consider that.
Hey, Thinh, thanks for your reply.
Having separate apps would turn my business idea unfeasible, because my goal is to have as many clients as possible in a single, standardized app. This way, maitenance etc is way easier.
That’s why I’m trying to figure something out to allow my clients to create whatever form they need
I understand having multiple apps would make maintenance and shipping new features hard. It’s a pick your poison scenario really, mainly for your responses table where you have to house as many columns as you need to integrate all types of forms possible, then display the results correctly in the responses view.
That’s not mentioning the data aggregation part if you need it.
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