Ok…I’ve made some huge strides. I’ve have my 4 piece workflow triggering successfully: 1. (text (to me) - 2. email (to user) - 3. email (to me) - 4. thank you message. It is working perfect, BUT…
The data is not showing up in my Glide table. I’m viewing the table as “me”, the admin (I think).
The data was received because the workflow is using different parts of the form entry to work thru the workflow.
I don’t do anything manually. When a new entry comes in (submission from the negative feedback form), a new row is created. Are you referring to the two empty rows? If so, those rows were created from test entries that triggered a workflow. https://tell-albert-sadh.glide.page
Your columns are all user specific. If you are not the user that filled them in, or the user was not signed in, then the columns will not show the data that was entered. Why are your columns user specific?
Hey Jeff, I’m a restaurant guy who thinks he’s a techie. I thought that would protect the data from outside eyes. I’m not sure why anyone would want to hack into my app.
User-specifics columns are not a security feature (well, you can is some way, but it is not the purpose.
Row owners is the way to protect data from unauthorized access.
Visibility and filter conditions are only applying to the front end. Meaning that even if you add a visibility condition to allow only admins to see data, if you are not using row owners, the data is still downloadable.