Customize text on the Sign-in page

Can I modify the text on the sign-in page using CSS? (I need to change it to the local language)


Thank you :pray: :pray:

@NoCodeAndy Do we support localization for this? I feel like things that are not editable on this screen should be localized.


Using CSS might require a lot of code, and I’m not sure it would work well without testing on multiple devices. If it supports localization capabilities, that would be even better.

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Do you really need it and want to try it?

Yes, I want to give it a try if it’s enough to solve the issue.

Thank you for the advice :pray:

In your first image, there is a difference in the “Continue” button, and mine shows “Sign In.” I don’t know why there’s a difference. If it shows “Continue” for you, you can just adjust it in the aria-label section.
I only provided code for the necessary parts. For the title, description, and agreement, everything can be input in the settings section. Let me know if there’s any part that doesn’t work.

First Dialog Modal

/* Enter email - placeholder */
#wire-custom-login:has([placeholder="Enter your email"]) form > label > input::placeholder {
    font-size: 0;
#wire-custom-login:has([placeholder="Enter your email"]) form > label:has(input[value=""])::after {
    content: "Masukkan email Anda";
    position: relative; 
    bottom: 36px;
    margin-bottom: -24px;
    left: 14px;
    font-size: var(--text-size-base, 1rem);
    color: darkgray;

/* Sign-in-button */
#wire-custom-login [aria-label="Sign In"] > div {
#wire-custom-login [aria-label="Sign In"]:before  {
content: "Masuk";
    font-size: 1rem;
    line-height: 2rem;

/* Sign-in-with-google-button */
#sign-in-with-google-button > div > div:after{
content: "Menggunakan Google";
margin-left: 0.625rem;

#sign-in-with-google-button > div > div > label{
display: none;

Second Dialog Modal

/* Title */
#wire-custom-login:not(:has([placeholder="Enter your email"])) [data-test="app-sign-in-title"]::before {
    content: "Periksa email Anda";
#wire-custom-login:not(:has([placeholder="Enter your email"])) h1 {

/* Description */
#wire-custom-login:not(:has([placeholder="Enter your email"])) p[data-testid="wf-title"]::before {
    content: "Kami telah mengirim pin ke email anda";
    font-size: var(--text-size-sm,0.875rem);
#wire-custom-login:not(:has([placeholder="Enter your email"])) p[data-testid="wf-title"] {

/* "I need another pin" */
#wire-custom-login [aria-label="I need another pin"].md.simple > div::before {
    content: "Saya butuh pin baru";
    font-size: var(--text-size-base,1rem);
#wire-custom-login [aria-label="I need another pin"].md.simple > div {

The CSS code doesn’t work with “Use compiled CSS”, right? I tried it, and it didn’t show any changes.



Or did I miss something? :disappointed_relieved:

Yes, by enabling “Compiled CSS,” you are only limited to overriding component styles. Just turn off that toggle.

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I tried the code, but it doesn’t get updated in the actual app, although it changes in (as shown in the picture). Did I misconfigure anything? I haven’t enabled ‘Use Compiled CSS’.

In the actual app page.

Thank you very much for the advice. :pray:

The Agreement section has not been given CSS. You can directly fill it in here.

There is a difference in DOM levels here, which results in different outcomes due to the ‘privacy’ settings. If it still doesn’t work, please provide a screenshot of the settings you’ve applied in this section (I still can’t figure out why your ‘sign-in’ button is labeled ‘continue’).

Try using the following CSS code instead:

First Dialog Modal

/* Enter email - placeholder */
#app-root:has([placeholder="Enter your email"]) form > label > input::placeholder {
    font-size: 0;
#app-root:has([placeholder="Enter your email"]) form > label:has(input[value=""])::after {
    content: "Masukkan email Anda";
    position: relative; 
    bottom: 36px;
    margin-bottom: -24px;
    left: 14px;
    font-size: 1rem;
    color: darkgray;

/* Sign-in-button */
#app-root [aria-label="Sign In"] > div {
#app-root [aria-label="Sign In"]:before {
content: "Masuk";
    font-size: 1rem;
    line-height: 2rem;

/* Sign-in-with-google-button */
#app-root #sign-in-with-google-button > div > div:after{
content: "Menggunakan Google";
margin-left: 0.625rem;

#app-root #sign-in-with-google-button > div > div > label{
display: none;

Second Dialog Modal

/* Title */
#app-root:has([aria-label="I need another pin"]) h1::before {
    content: "Periksa email Anda";
#app-root:has([aria-label="I need another pin"]) h1 {

/* Description */
#app-root:has([aria-label="I need another pin"]) p[data-testid="wf-title"]::before {
    content: "Kami telah mengirim pin ke email anda";
    font-size: var(--text-size-sm,0.875rem);
#app-root:has([aria-label="I need another pin"]) p[data-testid="wf-title"]{

/* "I need another pin" */
#app-root [aria-label="I need another pin"] > div::before {
    content: "Saya butuh pin baru";
    font-size: var(--text-size-base,1rem);
#app-root [aria-label="I need another pin"] > div {

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Awesome! The new code works perfectly. Thank you so much for the great advice. :pray: :pray: :pray:

As for the privacy settings, I have configured them like this.

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What about the “continue” button?

I’m not sure, I have this set up in all my apps and it always shows the Continue button. :disappointed_relieved:

I made some minor adjustments to the sending pin css.

/* Sending pin… button */
#app-root [aria-label="Sending pin…"] > div {
#app-root [aria-label="Sending pin…"]:before {
    content: "Mengirim PIN...";
    font-size: 1rem;
    line-height: 2rem;
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Yeah, that’s weird. My same settings still result in “sign-in”.

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@l3oy8231, I made a slight revision by removing the “:not” pseudo from the Second Dialog Modal section, as it would interfere with other elements.

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