Custom component that uses a relation for its data

I want to create a custom component.
It is on a screen where table 1 is the source.
Currently I have a table that displays data from a relation which is fine.
However, instead of the action buttons being “hidden” in the … menu, I want the button to be displayed on the row (like the used to be?? maybe that was for lists? Or maybe I need a data grid.

I decided to try a custom component, however the data I can select is only the data for table 1, not the relation that I currently use.

In this image, the table component is displaying data from a relation for the record “Companies similar to” in table 1.

My goal is to get the button, is there another way to do this? Or can I use a data from my relation in a custom component?

Thanks team!

The custom component doesn’t work with multiple rows of data from a table or relation. Your only solution would be to build JSON of all your data, and tell the custom component to render it as a list. From there, I think you would need a workflow action for that custom component that would maybe write the selected RowID to a table column, create a single relation to the table you want to navigate to, then run a show detail screen action.

But with with said, you can still convert any column in a Table or Grid collection into a button type, which is all you probably need.


Wouldn’t it display if you use the “button” type on the new table component?

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Ah I see. I hadn’t realised I could configure a button in that way.
Have added a button type column where value = custom (button label) and action is my workflow.

Appreciate your help.


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