Custom collection in a horizontal view

I have a use case to display a bunch of information in a horizontal view. Users should be able to scroll horozontally.

I achieved that with card collection in a horizontal view but need to display additional information, maybe more than one image per item.

Is it possible somehow to have a custom collection in horizontal view?


I doubt this is easy to do with just CSS since under the hood, the construction of a horizontal list is much different from a vertical list, but interested in what @tuzin @Eric_Penn @Himaladin might have to say about this.

Which components would you like to place inside your “custom collection” component? Could you provide an image illustration of what you want to achieve?

Maybe for now, let’s just use this component.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 11.10.27

[data-testid="wire-container-test"] > div > div > div > div:first-child {
   margin-top: 0px;

[data-testid="wire-container-test"] > div > div > div {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: nowrap;
    overflow-x: scroll;

[data-testid="wire-container-test"] [data-testid="wire-component-stack"] {
width: 200px;

Added this to the library. Thank you!