CSS Choice Multiple

I remember following one of your earlier tutorials to create a private leaderboard on my very first Glide app, which I’m actually still using. But watching this made me realise that I need to get rid of that and replace it with a trebuchet-driven one :grinning:


Thanks @Robert_Petitto! This is a great help for this “Multiselect” topic which is continuously coming back here.

Hopefully Glide will make it native one day…
Thanks again

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LOVE the trebuchet method for a variety of reasons. Only issue with it is that I can’t associate a second value to the original value I’m adding to the array.

Eg. Let’s say I’m tracking who has completed a video training. I can use the trebuchet method to create an array of emails of users that marked the training complete and thus track WHO completed the training, but I can’t associate a second value like a timestamp to track WHEN their email address was added to the array.

heh, I was just thinking about a somewhat similar use case. For a while now, I’ve had it in my mind that the trebuchet method would be ideal for recording hole by hole scores in a golf app.

So for example, a 9 hole round of golf recorded in a single column might look like:


The kicker is that the ordering of the items is critical, as each number corresponds to a specific hole.

So that means I’d need a way to either maintain the order of the elements, or associate each one with a second value that would provide a reference to the hole number.

My gut tells me that this is a problem that can be solved, just haven’t had a chance to play around (no pun intended) with it yet.

Right. I haven’t spent much time coming up with a solution…just know that it’s an issue with the current method. I imagine their might be a way of recording two values simultaneously and splitting them somehow, but I haven’t invested the time to ideate.

@Darren_Murphy, maybe is it too basic, but instead of having a score 5, 3 etc, is there something to think about having a double one, ex. A5, B3 etc. with A, B etc being the order?

That’s possible for a visual solution for sure. I could record a timestamp with an email like robert.petitto@woodward.edu - 2021-06-05, but how would I be able to use each value independently for relations/rollups?

Yes, that could certainly work, but as Bob pointed out it solves one problem and creates another one :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, I really don’t master at all the Trebuchet “puzzle”, so only basic thinking here:

  • if 1 cell has the 3 values (email | date | score)
  • I understand that you need to extract the 3rd one to build the relation, correct?
  • if yes, my assumption is that we cannot yet do it with Glide table
  • but we could with Google sheets (with a regex or one of their weird buddies) ?
    → finally, could the Trebuchet be based upon a G-Sheet with all columns in G-Table except the regex?

Sorry if too basic!

I’ve (re)watched & (re)tried your Trebuchet on my use case (ie. each Company - 1 row - selects its services within a predefined list - 20 rows): Trebuchet is as smart as a ‘hell’ to implement, and it leads to " trebucher * " a lot before having it worked.

In French, “Trebucher” is a word meaning = to stumble.

Still “trebuching” at this stage!

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Yeah…the first few times I tried implementing it, it took a long time before getting it right. The tricky thing to remember is that when using the trebuchet method via inline list is that the action is tied to THAT ITEM’S ROW.

So if you’re attempting to add a value from that row to an array in a row in a different sheet (very common when using trebuchet), you’ll need to make sure that THAT row has access to the destination sheet/row usually via a relation or sometimes you need a go between like a joinlist of the value you want to be sent via the relation (as seen in the video).

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Hola @Manu.n

Do you know how to change the title font of the list choice component?

Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 11.40.07 AM

I am trying to make it black, bigger and bold.


You’d have to target an unnamed class which will break on you in the near future. A client of mine was asking for the same, but it’s not possible at the moment.


Thanks @Robert_Petitto

Buenos días @SantiagoPerez no se si lograste encontrar la solución en caso que no, te recomiendo que el title del choice lo dejes vacio asi


y agregues un rich text creando un titulo personalizado yo uso este codigo y me quedo asi


si lo deseas en color negro y con mayor anchura usa este codigo luego de a ver hecho lo indicado




si deseas otra edicion parecida me informas saludos.

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Gracias @Frankchavezbernal

Buena idea!!!

thank you this unlocked putting three audio players side by side! thank you!