Crowdfunded Real Estate Investment 'Tracker'

Hello everyone,

I created my very first Glide powered app yesterday to chronicle and share my experiences using various crowdfunded real estate investment platforms (and maybe pickup a few referrals :slight_smile: )

I was originally sharing my information using a Google Doc but found it was not very mobile friendly …enter Glide to save the day!

Crowdfunded real estate investing is still a relatively new concept, so there is very little real world data regarding returns and performance (but lots of hyperbole LOL), unlike the stock market which has centuries of data.

It’s not much but I personally have found the results interesting.

Let me know what you think…



Neat app!


  • When I open the detail screen of the records in your list, I see investment information that might be personal. Maybe you didn’t intend to share private data?

  • To draw a comparison between the platforms, as the information is displayed now, the user needs to click in and out of the detail screens and remember the information. Maybe you could display the information differently so some of the information would be side by side on the screen? For example by using a compact list layout and template columns to bring multiple pieces of information on one line.

Feedback is much appreciated!

When I open the detail screen of the records in your list, I see investment information that might be personal. Maybe you didn’t intend to share private data?

As much as possible I wanted users to know that I was using real data. I couldn’t think of any nefarious purpose someone could use the information for but then again I might be oversharing as you never know. :thinking:

Maybe you could display the information differently so some of the information would be side by side on the screen?

alternate more compact version -

Nice 2nd version!

As a tip, when I want to test layouts, usually I will duplicate my original tab, rename one of the tabs so I know which one is which, hide the duplicated tab by clicking on the eye so it doesn’t appear in production for users, then test my new layout on the duplicate. This way I don’t lose the layout of my original tab and any active users won’t see changes live.

Note also, when I change a layout style, I will lose the previous layout I had. All the more reason to change layout styles with caution.

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The action on your list appears to be an open link, which redirects to the website associated with each list item (I think).

Is that deliberate?

Your first version seemed to have more details about each list item, which was accessed via the show details action on the list. But now that you’ve changed that, that information is no longer accessible and your App seems to be nothing more than a list of bookmarks.

I wonder if it would be better to re-instate the default show detail screen action, and then provide the external link from the details screen?


Correct, as the original concern expressed by @nathanaelb is that I might be sharing too much personal information, as all the data was real world data from my personal accounts.

With the alternate version only the most relevant data is displayed (Average Return).

The key question would be, is there any of the data from the original version that could be used nefariously?

Using @nathanaelb’s suggestion about duplicating tabs I’m working on a third iteration with a details screen containing less personal data - I’ll post a link to that once I come up with something :slight_smile:

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Don’t mind me and my comment about your data, I’ve probably been living in Germany too long now and the local paranoia regarding data privacy seems to have rubbed off on me.

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