Create a Chat that only shows Chats based on the page you are on?

I am creating a CRM where visitors can be followed up with

I am using the Chat feature
However I noticed that I can’t save data based on the page I am on? ie it shows the same chat content for every page?

I want to have a different chat on a different page
for Eg, If am looking at Daniel’s page, it shows that same content as Zak’s Page

Can’t you just filter it like any other Collection? :man_shrugging:

That’s what I am trying todo, however I can’t add a property onto it to filter?

I only have these options?

You need to configure the filter in the Options tab.

I did that, but I don’t have <>Content or Session ID?

See grab too

Your filter should be something related to the user you are viewing.

Something like “User Email is Screen → Email”

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You need one more basic text column in your chat table. You can’t assign a session or page ID if you haven’t providing a column in your table to write that ID into.

Add a column in your chat table to hold a value such as your page ID. When you do that, then it will show up in your ‘Save Data’ configuration in the chat component configuration. You need to give it a column to store a value. Then you can fill it and use it for filtering.


Tx @Darren_Murphy and @Jeff_Hager this worked :pray::pray::pray::pray:

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