Counter column

Hello Glider Masters!! I created a number column called COUNTER. In a workflow I set that column as COUNTER + 1
In the first workflow run, it works. The column is set to “1”. But the second time through, it does not work. The column still shows “1” instead of “2”. Why?

Can you show me the workflow action please?

Sure! The column is really not “COUNTER” but “NroRegistros”. Thanks.

I don’t think that this is valid. You can’t use math like that in set columns action at the moment.

You may want to add a increment action to do what you want :slight_smile:

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This works because Glide trims out the text part of your “set column value” action, so the thing left is 1.

Every time you run it, it’ll still be 1 because of the way you set it up.

As Maxime noted, using increment is the right way to do it.

Awesome. Thanks Maxime and Thinh !

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Which post was the solution? You put the “Solution” mark on the wrong post.


The solution is using the INCREMENT action…

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