This has been appearing for a while and I have so far been able to get around it by deleting sections of information that were not vital to the app, which seemed to free up the ability to save the new sections I was making.
The notification then reappears after a while and again you can delete more of the less important information. This is not very satisfactory as you have to throw away sections to make new ones.
Could this be because I’ve reached a content limit and need to upgrade? Surely if that were the case there would be a specific notification of it?
This message seems to have been reported several times in the past and been resolved by the Glide Team?
It didn’t look like I was approaching any limits… this project is a demonstrator prototype and has a very limited audience and I’m the only one adding any design or data.
I may have a lot of images (I don’t know what a lot is!). I estimate that there are about 650 images. I haven’t been very disciplined about their file sizes, so there could be a lot of data involved?
Still in the dashboard of the team, you can head over to the billing section and then scroll down to team quotas on the right side of the screen? There you should see something about storage.